In the online marketing world, time and money are sucked out of you mercilessly if you don't have a very specific, reliable and professional plan - and the best affiliate marketing training you can find. To succeed online, you need reliable guidance, personal (preferably hand-holding) support, the right tools, and good training. Winging it on your own (as I've been doing for the last few years) can result in many, many wasted hours, wasted money, and much stress. It's like a rabbit warren out there! In this article I'll share with you some of what I've learned recently.
The best affiliate marketing training should not only teach you and give you the tools you need, but should also give you confidence and help to focus. One-to-one coaching is ideal if you can get it as it enables you to get feedback as well as ask questions and get help for your specific situation and projects. Here are three tips I've learned from the best affiliate marketing training I've found:
Tip #1
One of the tutorials I followed when I first started, showed me how to find niche products that are already selling, and how to sell them through Squidoo. This was a comprehensive, step-by-step video tutorial by Potpie Girl, in the WA site. Of course I can't reproduce it to the same degree here. But here are the main points:
1. Go to eBay (where, you'll agree, you can find just about anything!), and search for a particular category - for example, I searched for barbeque grills (since I started this some time in July and the bbq season was about to start).
2. Use the Completed Listings button to find which particular models are selling.
3. Once you find a specific model of whatever your appliance is, search Amazon to check they sell it.
4. If you are an Amazon affiliate, you'll be able to put your own link for that product into your Squidoo lens, if not, you can still earn a percentage of Squidoo's Amazon commissions.
5. Do some keyword research using a Google's keyword research tool, to find a main keyword with high search volume, and not too much competition.
6. Research the product and find some reviews.
7. Create a Squidoo lens about that specific model, using the keywords you've found.
Tip #2
The second tip I learned that first week I joined, was to run my keywords through Microsoft's Audience Intelligence site - which gives you the "Commercial Intention" of those searching for that keyword. In other words it will give you an idea of how likely it is that someone searching using that keyword, is to actually make a purchase of anything. This means that you can choose the specific keywords that are used by the people most likely to buy! Absolutely Brilliant!
Tip #3
And finally (for now), I learned that in order to increase the rank of my Squidoo lens, I need to make a link out of my main keyword and include it in the first paragraph.
The best affiliate marketing training should not only teach you and give you the tools you need, but should also give you confidence and help to focus. One-to-one coaching is ideal if you can get it as it enables you to get feedback as well as ask questions and get help for your specific situation and projects. Here are three tips I've learned from the best affiliate marketing training I've found:
Tip #1
One of the tutorials I followed when I first started, showed me how to find niche products that are already selling, and how to sell them through Squidoo. This was a comprehensive, step-by-step video tutorial by Potpie Girl, in the WA site. Of course I can't reproduce it to the same degree here. But here are the main points:
1. Go to eBay (where, you'll agree, you can find just about anything!), and search for a particular category - for example, I searched for barbeque grills (since I started this some time in July and the bbq season was about to start).
2. Use the Completed Listings button to find which particular models are selling.
3. Once you find a specific model of whatever your appliance is, search Amazon to check they sell it.
4. If you are an Amazon affiliate, you'll be able to put your own link for that product into your Squidoo lens, if not, you can still earn a percentage of Squidoo's Amazon commissions.
5. Do some keyword research using a Google's keyword research tool, to find a main keyword with high search volume, and not too much competition.
6. Research the product and find some reviews.
7. Create a Squidoo lens about that specific model, using the keywords you've found.
Tip #2
The second tip I learned that first week I joined, was to run my keywords through Microsoft's Audience Intelligence site - which gives you the "Commercial Intention" of those searching for that keyword. In other words it will give you an idea of how likely it is that someone searching using that keyword, is to actually make a purchase of anything. This means that you can choose the specific keywords that are used by the people most likely to buy! Absolutely Brilliant!
Tip #3
And finally (for now), I learned that in order to increase the rank of my Squidoo lens, I need to make a link out of my main keyword and include it in the first paragraph.
Best Affiliate Marketing Training - Three Brilliant Tips
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5